With Many Voices

"Who's out there?"

With Many Voices

  • Classic: 19-25
  • Fog: 24-30
  • Punished: 29-53
  • Cracked: 34-40
  • Varied Speed
  • Stunnable


  • TIER: 2
  • METHOD: Entity hunts in a pack and will spread out to find prey. Entity listens very well for prey; and will share victims with the rest of the pack after capture. Effective against victims who are scared.
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  • A pack of lizard-like creatures that mimic those they have killed, likely to lure more unsuspecting people into their trap. The creatures have a very strong bite, and will often kill victims quickly.
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  • With Many Voices (SCP-939) originates from SCP. All assets from SCP: Containment Breach. "The Hunt Begins" created by Firefox.


  • Music: FireFox - The Hunt Begins
  • Death Tip: "You were eaten by SCP-939. They have a hard time seeing you if you stay still."
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  • When spawning, three With Many Voices will climb from the thorn and split up. With Many Voices is able to be stunned for a moderate amount of time.
  • With Many Voices will patrol around the map randomly at a slow pace, with specific ones sometimes gravitating towards players. With Many Voices is unable to see players unless they move, though they will chase players to their last known positions. When chasing, they will move at a high speed towards their target. Additionally, they may patrol towards players, forcing players to move if they get too close which may lead into them being chased. With Many Voices deals moderate damage constantly while in range; regardless of if they are chasing or not.
  • Dying to With Many Voices prompts the player with a death screen.