"Don't forget me, please."
Those Olden Days
- Classic: ???
- Fog: ???
- Punished: ???
- Cracked: ???
- TIER: 5
- METHOD: Those Olden Days appears to only be able to attack when it's actively remembered. It often uses TV's for this.
- Victims are fused to Olden Days on contact; and often forgotten by those around them as well.
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- It clings to what's left of its existance; using only old tapes and memories to stay alive. It cries when people refuse to acknowledge it; and its very existance seems to be painful to it. It cannot let go of its past, it can't let go of the olden days.
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- Those Olden Days created by Have
"Dream Sweet in Sea Major" by Miracle Musical
- Music: Miracle Musical - Dream Sweet in Sea Major
- Death Tip: "You were killed by Those Olden Days. Keep the TV's off to prevent it from being dangerous."
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- When spawning, A set of 7 TV's will also appear around the map. Olden Days cannot be stunned.
- Every so often, one of the 7 TV's will turn on. While running around, Olden Days makes loud metallic footstep sounds.
- When the TV's are off, Olden Days will simply roam the map passively and cannot deal damage to any players. It is also covered in static during this form, and the music of the round plays at a low pitch.
- When any of the 7 TV's are on, Olden Days will begin actively chasing players, prioritizing players within its line of sight at a very high speed which cannot be outran. Contact with Olden Days while it is active will instantly kill players. Olden Days also has a rare ranged attack where it may stop and scream, dealing a low but constant AoE damage to all nearby players, inflicting Confusion and draining the color of the area for a short time.
- Stunning a TV or shooting it with Panthera MK.II while it is on will destroy it and shut it off. After a TV is destroyed, it will no longer be able to turn on. When all active TV's are off or destroyed, Olden Days will go back to being passive.
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- Olden Days is objectively one of the hardest terrors in Terrors of Nowhere due to its incredibly high speed and mechanics requiring both teamwork and weapons.
- Those Olden Days cannot appear in Punished or Midnight.