The Origin
- Classic: ???
- Fog: ???
- Punished: ???
- Cracked: ???
- TIER: 3
- METHOD: Has been observed to scream at people to cause heart failure while using its arms to tear people open.
- It does not seem to show any remorse, and seems to believe it's helping.
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- The Origin as it's called seems to be byproduct of another entity known as Glendo, but unlike Glendo, The Origin is fully sentient and alive, and believe it is helping people by assisting with conquering their fear, the fear of death.
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- Glendop created by Gio103. Based on a tweet by @classybaryonyx
SFX from HL2, FNAF. Music "Hell" from Coronation Day
- Music: Coronation Day - Hell
- Death Tip: "You were killed by The Origin. Listen for it's steps and it's scream to figure out where it's coming from."
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- After spawning, The Origin will actively chase players, prioritizing players within its line of sight at a high speed. The Origin can be stunned for a moderate amount of time.
- The Origin creates loud clanking when it moves, and will instantly kill players upon contact 'jumpscaring' them.
- Occasionally, the Origin will release a loud screech.
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- The Origin is based off this twitter post.
- The scream randomly emitted from The Origin is that of a Stalker from Half-Life 2.
- The Origin was added as a joke.