TBH Sans

"So it shall. Now is the time to take action."

TBH Sans

  • High Speed
  • Teleport on Stun


  • TIER: 6
  • METHOD: Has the powers of time on it's side, using it to get close and make unexpected attacks against it's victims.
  • It focuses those who are guilty.
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  • The timelines that we cannot observer seem to be interconnected on a plane we do not understand. It is not that we can confirm this, it's just that there is no other explaination for this.
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  • TBH model by catisioo.


  • Music: how y'all look when you're remastering your uploads
  • Death Tip: "You were judged for your sins. There is really nothing you can do lol."
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  • TBH Sans is Cracked variant of TBH which is a lot, A LOT harder than the original. It is extremely fast and is capable of teleporting.