


  • Classic: 38-45
  • Fog: 43-50
  • Punished: 48-73
  • Cracked: 53-60
  • Varied Speed
  • Stunnable


  • TIER: 3
  • METHOD: Execution. Victims are often cleaved by its massive axe; if not left scorched by its intense heat. Nothing usually remains of its targets.
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  • A knight of the Overseer. I wouldn't have thought that they could mimic us, but that begs the question. If one of them mimic’d the Overseer, what would happen? There can only be one Overseer, right? We don't suggest pulling this.
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  • All assets created by Beyond. “Inescape” created by Tilarids.


  • Music: Tilarids - Inescape
  • Death Tip: "You were killed by Security. It will deal heavy amounts of damage very quickly."
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  • After spawning, Security will actively chase players, prioritizing players within its line of sight. Security can be stunned for a medium amount of time, however, after being stunned a certain amount of times, the stun will last a shorter duration.
  • Security possesses a variety of melee attacks all doing the same medium damage as well as knocking the player back. Security can also slam his axe against the ground to deal medium damage to all in front of him. This can also be curved as Security does not stop moving while attacking.
  • Occasionally, Security will gain massive boosts of speed in order to dash towards players; which can make getting away from him very difficult if in range of him.
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  • Security was completely reworked in the Joyous Update, with an entire remodel & mechanic overhaul.