Search & Destroy
Search & Destroy
Nightmare Index: Search & Destroy
  • Midnight replacement for Dev Bytes.
  • Speed Requirement: Unknown
  • Stunnable: Search only
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  • Recommended Items
  • 1. UNKNOWN
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  • Search will patrol towards players. It can be stunned for a short time and possesses 1 melee attack and 3 ranged attacks. 80 seconds after being spawned in, it will enrage and start actively chasing players.

    - Search can slam its massive guns at melee range instantly killing players, creating a shockwave around it dealing low damage. It is very similar to Convict Squibbs melee attack.

    - Search can rev up its miniguns and fire in a direction for a short duration of time, which will deal rapid amounts of medium damage to players in it.

    - Search can fire its head beam in a vertical motion, hitting directly in front of it. This will deals medium damage and inflict burn.

    - Search can fire its head beam in a horizontal sweep motion, hitting anything in front of it. This will deals medium damage and inflict burn. This is one of its most dangerous attacks.
  • Destroy will chase players. It cannot be stunned and possesses 3 melee attacks and 1 ranged attack. 80 seconds after being spawned in, it will enrage and gain a lot of speed. It will also use its ranged attack more often.

    Destroy can swing its sword once, inflicting medium damage as well as bleed.

    Destroy can swing its sword twice, inflicting medium damage twice as well as inflicting bleed.

    Destroy can charge up its sword for an instant kill.

    Destroy can wave its hand with some magic and create a bunch of red explosions in front of it, instantly killing players hit by it. Additionally, each explosion creates a small shockwave which deals low damage.
Other Info & Trivia
  • Death Tip (Search): "You were killed by Search. Avoid its hail of gunfire."
  • Death Tip (Slam): "You were killed by Search´s Slam. Try to avoid confronting Search."
  • Death Tip (Destroy): "You were killed by Destroy. Getting hit while already bleeding will increase the bleed damage taken at the end of the effect!"
  • Death Tip (Destroy Short) : "You were killed by Destroy."
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  • Destroy was inspired by one of CaptainSpinxs´s roblox avatars.
  • Search and Destroy were both a part of the original Winter event boss prior to a leak that uncovered them. They were repurposed as midnight exclusives afterwards.
  • Search is the result of complete boredom and wondering if a Convict with a gun as a head was a cool idea.
  • While these convicts were intended to be examples of normal convicts, they ended up not being examples of normal convicts.