Neo Pilot
- Varied Speed
- Partial Stun
- TIER: 11
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- When the Council awoke and new Pilots began appearing, they were often directed to talk to the Combat Pilots to get a better idea on the FOX, and also to start forming alliances with neighbouring colonies as, after all, there is strength in numbers.
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- Neo Pilot´s extroverted social behaviour was very alluring to new Pilots seeking potential allies and friends, and she soon became known as a very kind and caring person. She often visited other colonies personally, and even brought pilots to hers for meetups. Neo additionally loved visiting the Luna colony, home of Yvel, as Neo had almost an infatuation with her, one that Yvel did not ever really pick up on due to their calculated nature.
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- The Temperance Colony was in ruins after SOL-A had attacked it, a single shot of SOL-B destroying 70% of the colony. After the shot, SOL-A was weakened and was unable to escape, and soon, was defeated. The combined efforts of the Proto Colony, Neo Colony, and the Titan Colony all helped stop SOL-A. With all their efforts combined, the Neo Pilot personally struck down SOL-A, ending the chaos.
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- The destruction witnessed by one of their own hands may have been too much to bear for the Neo Pilot to even glance at one of her own again, as she never once talked to the other pilots the same way again.
- Music (1st phase): Studio EIM - Canto VII Boss Battle 1 Theme
- Music (2nd phase): Taishi - A Place Shrouded in Death
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- After spawning, Neo Pilot will summon two FOX Guards. Neo Pilot cannot be stunned.
- Neo Pilot will slowly walk towards players up until 230 seconds, where she will then break into a very fast sprint. Neo Pilot has a variety of abilities.
- Blade ComboNeo Pilot will attack twice with both blades, spin and then hit the player third time. Each hit deals moderate damage and has a chance to inflict bleed.
- ShockwaveNeo Pilot will jump and smash the ground, creating an explosion and sending out a large amount of projectiles around her. The explosion deals minor damage and inflicts 6 seconds of paralysis.
- Slash + Shockwave ComboNeo Pilot will drag her blade across the ground and swipe it upwards, dealing heavy damage and sending out projectiles in front of her before doing her Shockwave attack.
- Flurry ComboNeo Pilot will continue running towards the player and release a flurry of rapid slashes dealing low damage with a chance to inflict bleed, often juggling players. She will stop for a moment after the attack.
- Scissor SlashNeo Pilot will slam her blades together, dealing heavy damage and releasing projectiles in front of her.
- LeapNeo Pilot will leap into the air and appear at her current target, doing her Shockwave attack.
- Once the timer has reached around 160 seconds, Neo Pilot will enrage, covering the map in a blue hue and becoming electrified. She gains a few new buffs to her abilities, with most of them either gaining extra range or releasing additional projectiles.
- Neo Pilot will also now occasionally launch large orbital strikes occasionally, one on herself and one on her target. These large orbital strikes take roughly 3 seconds to fire after appearing, and will usually instantly kill players; with a small chance to survive if a player has full health. The orbital strikes fire around every 8 seconds. Neo Pilot will remain like this until the end of the round.
- The FOX Guards are functionally the same as the FOX Squad FOX’s with a few minor differences besides their unique models. They will always target players, and have a much shorter stun time. They also are slightly larger.
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- Neo Pilot is an OC created by Beyond.
- Neo Pilot replaces Fusion Pilot during Winterfest, and as such can only be encountered during it.
- Neo Pilot is the one that originally killed Fusion Pilot.