
"What's their name?"


  • Medium Speed
  • Do Not Stun


  • TIER: 4
  • Victims are often caught off guard by it, as it pretends to be like them, though it fails.
  • It possesses many of their artifacts, which let it keep up.
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  • It believes itself a stringmen of the scrapyard, and does its best to act like one; however, it seems to be generally passive to Hapticore agents specfically, targetting only scavengers.
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  • created by Beyond.


  • Death Tip: "You were killed."
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  • Nameless (??? in-game) is Midnight variant of BFF.
  • When spawning, Nameless will rise from the thorn.
  • Like most terrors, Nameless will actively chase players, prioritizing those within line of sight. Nameless has a wide variety of attacks and items some of which are obtainable by players while others are exclusive.
  • Wave Coil
    When Nameless spots a player, it will use the Wave Coil to speed itself up to chase players.
  • Bash
    Nameless hits the player with both its arms, dealing moderate damage. This attack is based off the Stringman’s attack.
  • Desire
    Nameless will pull out Desire and slam it down, creating a wave of beams. Players hit by Desire will be instantly killed, while players hit by the beam will take moderate damage and be inflicted with burn.
  • Justitia
    Nameless will quickly slash twice with Jusitita, dealing heavy damage each time; typically killing players.
  • Divine Avenger
    Nameless will slash Divine Avenger dealing heavy damage and releasing three projectiles that deal moderate damage.
  • Torch of Obsession
    Nameless will pull out the Torch of Obession and detonate it, dealing moderate AoE damage around it and inflicting burn.
  • Pale Pistol
    Nameless will stop and pull out the Pale Pistol, and fire three shots in quick succession with it, dealing low damage for each bullet.
  • Red Medkit
    When Nameless is stunned, Nameless will fall to the ground and then use the Red Medkit, speeding it up and buffing it significantly. It additionally will gain a halo. Attempting to stun it further will cause it to block using the Omori Plush.
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  • Nameless was called Crimboong prior to Joyous Update, but has since had his name revoked.
  • Nameless was based on the 10 Hour Burst Man from Item Asylum.
  • Nameless uses its own version of the Wave Coil, an item only given to contributors of Terrors of Nowhere. Unlike the normal Wave Coil, Nameless's is red.
  • 'Desire' is an unfinished event item that was intended for Beyond's birthday, but was scrapped due to the event not being finished in time. It is intended to be Beyond's own sword.
  • Nameless is implied to be a Stringman of some sort; or at least, related to them in some way.
  • Nameless has heavy connections to the Scrapyard and Lifebringer.