
"Yes, we are connected."


  • Midnight: Unknown
  • Medium Speed
  • Stun Required


  • TIER: 10
  • METHOD: Utilizes an ancient power found in the Nowhere to resurrect his fallen followers.
  • Utilizes his anger to kill targets without hesitation.
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  • After the thorns became under our control, all data other than its method was deleted. We are not allowed to ask why, but perhaps the Overseer hides something from us. How exactly did he close the thorns?
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  • Base model created by @nktnckm_vrc ( "Duetting Solo" by Mili


  • Music: StudioEIM - Audite Pauper & Vovete Miserias
  • Death Tip: UNKNOWN
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  • Monarch is Midnight variant of Judas and will take over the entire round if spawned - other Terrors will not spawn at all.
  • Monarch spawns with 300 seconds on the timer. When spawning in, Monarch will create two of each of the following.
  • Monarch Knights are very slow, but make up for their slowness in size. Monarch Knights have three attacks. Attacking with their sword, they deal heavy damage knocking players back, often instantly killing a player if they were too close to the knight as the attack can hit multiple times. This attack has a fast variant and a slow variant. The range of this attack is also very long; as the smoke/shockwave sent by the sword counts as part of the attack. The Monarch Knights may also stop and raise their arm, charging and creating an AOE around them inflicting medium damage and bleeding. If a player is at a range, they may charge up and release a small shockwave along the ground which deals medium damage and inflicts bleed. Monarch Knights cannot be stunned.
  • Monarch Lancers are faster, but possess less damaging attacks. Monarch Lancers have four attacks. Their first attack is a strike with their lance, which deals heavy damage and inflicts knockback. The range on this attack is very long; but it can easily be sidestepped. Their second attack is a swipe, dealing low damage but inflicting bleed around them. Monarch Lancers also possess the same AOE that Monarch Knights have. Monarch Lancers can also crouch down to fire a beam with their lance; dealing low damage and inflicting burn. Monarch Lancers cannot be stunned; and can be identified by their square helmets.
  • Monarch Mage specializes in ranged attacks; possessing only two attacks. They can lift their staff up to form a sword which will swipe for low damage and bleed with a very large range. Monarch Mages can also lift their staff up to open up rifts in the sky that'll strike bolts of light down in a line in front of them, dealing heavy damage for each strike, easily killing players. Monarch Mages cannot be stunned; and can be identified by their wizard hats.
  • For the first 130 seconds of the round, Monarch will remain invisible and stationary at the thorn while the minions start killing players. All minions generally patrol around the map, occasionally locking onto players. After around 60 seconds of being active, they will gain the ability to speed up if no players are around them; moving at a much faster pace and becoming much more aggressive.
  • After 130 seconds, Monarch will awaken, indicated by a red overlay on screen alongside some text. When Monarch awakens, he will begin to slowly walk towards players and will change the music name. Monarch cannot be stunned.
  • If Monarch has no focus on anyone, he will eventually shift into a sprint. Monarch possesses 4 main attacks;

    - A double swipe with his spear, inflicting medium damage and inflicting bleed.
    - A stab, inflicting medium damage and knockback.
    - A jump stab, inflicting medium damage and bleeding.
    - A ranged attack where he stabs his spear into the ground, creating a project similar to Monarch Knights, however it is larger and deals rapid damage when being hit by it; making it much more dangerous
  • After being active for 80 seconds, Monarch will enter his second phase where he begins to fly; increasing his speed significantly. Monarch's attacks also change and Monarch now no longer stops while attacking.

    - A spin that hits twice, dealing medium damage and bleed.
    - A swipe that hits once, dealing medium damage and bleeding.
    - A stab that has longer range and deals medium damage and knockback.
    - A ranged attack where he charges forward killing anyone in front of him instantly.
  • Once the timer hits 60 seconds, Monarch and his minions will all stop. Monarch will fly into the air and begin charging a massive nuke, while his minions will collapse and lift up their arms to give Monarch power, becoming stunnable. All 6 minions must be stunned during this time to deactivate Monarch's nuke; or else Monarch will kill everyone; bypassing any form of protection. When Monarch's nuke is deactivated, he will simply remain in the sky until the end of the round.
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  • Monarch represents Judas in his prime; acting as a king of sorts.
  • Monarch was completely reworked in 1.15 and given a new achievement. Additionally, he is featured in the update trailer.
  • Prior to release, Monarch was going to use Duetting Solo as its song.
  • Unlike the other Angel killers, Monarch is not based on anyone or anything in particular and is instead just an OC by Beyond.
  • Each one of Monarch’s minions has their own unique headgear; and additionally, each knight represents a part of Monarch.
  • Monarch has a deep rooted hatred for the Overseer. Despite this, the Overseer does not seem aware Monarch exists at all.
  • Monarch also has connections to Psychosis; though it is not known what the connection actually is.
  • Monarch is the only terror that requires an item to survive due to its final mechanic.
  • The pre-patch Monarch can still be encountered in the “Angels” Unbound round, renamed to "Ancient Monarch".