Mona & The Mountain


Mona & The Mountain

  • Classic: 43-47
  • Fog: ???
  • Punished: ???
  • Cracked: ???
  • High Speed
  • Partial Stun


  • TIER: 4
  • METHOD: Entity commands its monster to feed upon its victims.
  • Both seem remorseless for their actions.
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  • When I fell off the bus, I felt myself being dragged away into a loud choir of silence. She was barely alive, but even then, came back for me. We ate them, and I grew big and strong again. Honey, it's time to wake up. We have work.
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  • Mona created by Beyond. The Mountain of Smiling Bodies belongs to Project Moon. "Dumped" created by Olimac31.


  • Music: Olimac31 - Dumped
  • Death Tip (Mona): "You were killed by Mona. She'll wither you with her scream, so try to avoid being near her when she uses it."
  • Death Tip (Mountain): "You were eaten by the Mountain of Smiling Bodies."
  • Death Tip (Vomit): "You were dissolved in Mountain of Smiling Bodies's vomit. Try and avoid letting Mountain of Smiling Bodies rea" (cuts off)
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  • Mona & The Mountain consists of Mona and Mountain of Smiling Bodies with both spawning at the thorn.
  • Mona will rise from the thorn slowly, shortly before summoning Mountain of Smiling Bodies. Mona will quietly patrol the map, searching for players. If a player enters her range, she will begin chasing them at a moderate pace. Mona has 4 attacks she is able to do; and she is able to move while doing them:
  • Swing
    Mona swings one of her SMILEs quickly, dealing very heavy damage and knockback.
  • Slam
    Mona raises one of her SMILEs up quickly and slams it down, dealing very heavy damage and knockback.
  • Double Slam
    Mona raises both SMILEs up and slams both of them down, instantly killing players directly in front of her and creating a small shockwave in front of her, dealing heavy damage.
  • Scream
    Mona will stop and raise one of her SMILEs up, causing it to scream and deal moderate damage to all players nearby, as well inflicting Confusion debuff. This attack is unable to kill players.
  • Mona will speed up around 90 seconds after spawning, and begin actively targeting players. Mona will remain like this for the rest of the round. Mona cannot be stunned.
  • The Mountain of Smiling Bodies will actively chase after players, prioritizing players within its line of sight. Mountain of Smiling Bodies has 3 forms depending on how many players it kills.
  • In its first form, Mountain of Smiling Bodies will be very fast; and is able to attack very quickly, biting to deal small amounts of damage rapidly. In this form, Mountain of Smiling Bodies can also be stunned for a long duration, after which it will scream.
  • After killing enough players, Mountain of Smiling Bodies will shift into its second form. While in second form, Mountain of Smiling Bodies loses a bit of speed, but gains the ability to use a scream attack similar to Mona's, dealing moderate damage and being unable to kill, as well as inflicting Confusion. Mountain of Smiling Bodies can also no longer be stunned in this form.
  • If Mountain of Smiling Bodies kills even more players, it will transform into its third form. In third form, Mountain of Smiling Bodies's bite attack will be followed up with a large slam, knocking all players upwards and dealing damage to all players nearby it as well as instantly killing players within its range. Mountain of Smiling Bodies will still be able to use its scream attack from second form, but also now be able to use a vomit attack, which will cause it to spew up goo both in front of it and behind it, dealing rapid moderate damage to those inside it and inflicting slowness. Like its second form, Mountain of Smiling Bodies cannot be stunned in its third form.