"IS ME."
- Classic: 23-26
- Fog: ???
- Punished: ???
- Cracked: ???
- Varied Speed
- Partial Stun
- TIER: 4
- METHOD: Utilizes a powerful lance that's able to split into two twin swords.
- Additionally fights alongside his cohorts, equipped with axes and guns.
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- A powerful commander of the Opton army, created to eliminate FOX Pilots. With no soul and no shred of humanity, he lacks the weaknesses pilots have towards their lessers, compassion. He has conquered many empires, and continues still.
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- Bravera created by Manti, creator of SlashCo VR.
"Second Rendez-Vous" by Glenn Main
- Music: Glenn Main - Second Rendez-Vous
- Death Tip (Bravera): "You were killed by Bravera."
- Death Tip (Opton Guard): "You were killed by an Opton Guard."
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- After spawning, Bravera will actively chase players, prioritizing players within its line of sight. Bravera can be stunned, however; he will become resistant to it after enough times, reducing his stun time significantly. Bravera will also spawn two Opton Guards.
- Bravera will slowly make his way towards players, occasionally letting out a loud robotic cry. When Bravera is close enough to a player, he will swipe with his spear, dealing heavy damage and knocking players back, as well as inflicting slowness.
- Bravera may also pierce his spear into the ground, damaging players for heavy damage and knocking them back. This will also create 4 lines covering Bravera’s cardinal and ordinal directions, which will slowly glow before exploding, damaging all players within them for very heavy damage, with a chance to instantly kill players as well as slowing them down. Bravera may also do this if a player is at a distance from him. If a player is out of Bravera’s range, he may also speed up significantly while raising his spear, and then stop and slam it into the ground; dealing heavy damage and knockback.
- 90 seconds after Bravera has spawned, he will break apart his spear into two swords and change his moveset. This will also reset his stun resistance.
- Bravera will now move much faster towards players, and also have a reduced stun time overall. If Bravera reaches a player, he will attack them with his swords, dealing moderate damage twice and inflicting bleed while knocking them back. Bravera can also slam his front legs into the ground if the player is at a distance or within melee range, dealing heavy damage and creating a shockwave of rocks that will move in the direction he was facing, which deal low damage and slow players down on hit.
- The two Opton Guards that spawn alongside Bravera will roam randomly at a moderate speed and occasionally lock onto players. When close, they will swing their axe to knock players away and deal low damage. Additionally, they can fire their pistol while chasing, and uniquely, they are also able to aim. Opton Guards can be stunned for a moderate amount of time.
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- Bravera is the commander of a race called the Optons.
- Bravera replaced Random Flying Knife in Winterfest 2024 update.