- This Terror does not have an index.
- Music: UNKNOWN
- Death Tip: UNKNOWN
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- 1/10 chance to replace Faker in Classic round, or that's what we like to believe.
- Atratched will actively roam around the map randomly at a moderate speed, occasionally calling out for players. When Atratched sees a player, he will begin running after them at a high speed, occasionally jumping. Atratched will rapidly punch players for moderate damage when reaching them.
- Atratched has an internal anger meter that slowly goes up when it is not actively chasing players. When this anger meter reaches its max, it will enter its second form. However, if Atratched is kept occupied, it may never enter its second form. Stunning Atratched will also increase its anger.
- When Atratched transforms, he will shout “You should have played fair!” before morphing into a very large monstrous form. In it’s second form, Atratched is very fast, will no longer speak instead making very loud muffled screaming sound, and will always chase players. He will instantly kill players upon contact with him. Additionally, looking at Atratched for too long will cause a buildup of red on their screen, eventually dealing damage to them while flashing the word “CHEATER” on their screen while also forcing them into first person. Looking away will cancel the buildup, and it deals low damage.