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Ghost rounds share EPH rewards with Punished, this mention will be added on pages later. EPH values were taken from the previous build (mostly by Acoustic) but recent updated buffed them a bit - they still serve as general idea what to expect till new values are found.
In some cases you can hover Speed/Stun for additional information. You can hover banners for information regarding who took the picture.
Speed Values Meaning (Around full lobbies)
[No Speed] Terror either doesn't move or moves so slowly that players can outrun it easily without items.
[Low Speed] Terrors are slow but you need an item like Regen/Glow Coil.
[Medium Speed] Terrors have average speed and you need at least Speed Coil.
[High Speed] Terror is fast and you need stronger coils like Glass, Delicate or even Emerald.
[Extreme Speed] Terror is so fast that you are unable to outrun them - only delay your doom.
This speed metric system will be adjusted, finetuned and heavily upgraded once Acoustic managed to find majority of the technical speeds.