If something looks off, try refreshing (CTRL+F5) first before sending reports to MaraRizer.
There's a thread in Toren server, in #terror-talk where you can place all reports. Do NOT send them anywhere else (like Mara's DMs) or otherwise they will be forgotten and ignored.
17th February 2025 - NEW ITEM WOOOOAHHHHH
- Added Item Chest. (Shoutout to Barbnoodle for collecting list of items even though I already knew them)
- Added two new achievements.
- Added new tracker specific tester achievements. (Thanks Cinossu for providing code!)
- Exposed several tester achievement conditions.
- Fixed Pale Association's stun label having wrong color. (Thanks, The Survivor!)
- Changed WHITEFACE's speed value from No Speed to Low Speed. (Thanks again, The Survivor!)
- Added two new songs in the Intermission section. (Thanks, Toman800!)
- Added various new death tips. (Thanks, BreadKAT!)
- Fixed various missing and incorrect quotes. (Thanks, The Survivor!)
- Added additional method to gain Curse and Bleed. (Thanks, poop, TtBeam and Nanashi!)
- Fixed Manti having incorrect stun label. (Thanks, Crimson Lightning!)
- Removed one of Security's outdated death tips. (Thanks, The Survivor!)
- Fixed a life changing typo in Killer Fish's page. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Changed the color of Followed achievement. (Thanks, TtBeam!)
- Various stun and speed label fixes. (Thanks, BladeBun!)
- Added new info regarding sign dropping in Wafflehouse. (Thanks, BreadKAT)
- Moved position of one music track. (Thanks, Nanashi!)
- Added a new pose picture for NeoTamago page.
- Replaced the secret achievement.>
9th February 2025 - DON'T - CRY - I AM JUST A FREAKKKKKK
- Swapped names of Mountain and Mona in the partial stun hover. (Thanks, Weegee!)
- Fixed hilarious mistake of FOV: Bug to POV: Bug. (Thanks, The Survivor!)
- Added extra info in Red Mist Apparition's page. (Thanks, YoBro!)
- Various speed and stun info changes. (Thanks, BladeBun!)
- Various status effect additions. (Thanks, BladeBun, Barbnoodle and Nanashi!)
- Added new death tips. (Thanks Bio/Lucky and Sprintervaulter_VR!)
- Fixed a typo in variants page. (Thanks Nanashi and Solaris!)
- Added a missing song in Cubor's Revenge page. (Thanks, poop! [What a great name!])
- Fixed several typos in various terror pages. (Thanks, Clan-Universe!)
- Fixed a typo in IJED's page. (Thanks, Oblong Goose!)
- Removed a mention of an achievement in MX's page. (Thanks, Barbnoodle!)
- Added extra info about delicate coil usage against Poly. (Thanks, Crimson Lightning!)
- Added mention of Panthera MK.II in Those Olden Days' page. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Added mention of Illumina being considered a holy weapon. (Thanks The Survivor and Boneish!)
- Added unbound entries. (Thanks Nanashi for helping with the exhausting task!)
- Replaced old supporter page with a new one.
- Added more songs played in Intermission. (Thanks, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Added index entry for Epic Bonnie. (Thanks, Plus!)
- Added a death tip for Bravera. (Thanks, The Survivor!)
- Fixed one row of achievements missing entirely on achievements page. (Thanks, Pokkyz!)
- Fixed few stun specific info on site. (Thanks, BladeBun & Weegee!) [Beyond, when did you fix Hell Bell?!]
- Fixed Clocky's page titled Living Shadow. (Thanks, MariusLotusBud!)
- Minor typo fixes on achievement page. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Added Winterfest content.
- Added new achievements.
- Added new items.
- Changed Bacteria from unstunnable to stunnable.
- Marked Specimen 5 as stunnable with holy weapons.
- Changed Time Ripper from unstunnable to partially stunnable.
- Changed Ink Demon from unstunnable to stunnable.
- Changed MissingNo from unstunnable to partially stunnable.
- Changed wording in Punishing Bird's page.
- Removed Sunbearer section from Parhelion´s Victims page.
- Added a mention of a new attack in Pursuer´s page.
- Added a mention of a new mechanic in Deleted´s page.
- Added a mention of Clocky being unstunnable with ranged weapons.
- Updated Kimera´s description.
- Minor item index styling.
- Changed Those Olden Days´ speed from Extreme to High. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Added a missing music track in Searchlight´s page. (Thanks Nanashi & Crimson Lightning!)
- Changed Searchlight´s death tip. (Thanks HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Fixed the most important typo of all time in Searchlight´s page. (Thanks DiggieDoge!)
- Added one bloodbath song. (Thanks, The Survivor!)
- Removed mention of Mope Mope´s old 30 seconds thingie from achievement page. (Thanks, Pokéduel!)
- Updated pose pictures for Delicate Coil and Tripspace Tripmine.
- Updated few eph values. (Thanks as always, Acoustic!) [More in-depth additions will be done in next patch]
27th October 2024 - Here's your weekly update on OuTDaTEd WiKI
- New death tips added. (Thanks Evi, Luxaroo, Nick04X, Solaris and Pisces!)
- Typo fixes. (Thanks HarmonicaLadDave, Biopticwolf98, kakeru and Nanashi!)
- Fixed Voidwalker & Something Wicked having wrong EPH values. (Thanks Acoustic!)
- Adjusted the achievement tips for Perfection, Know Your Enemy and Victory^3. (Thanks rain, Nanashi and Pisces!)
- Various minor terror info adjustments. (Thanks Xenko, Solaris, Pisces, SporiumCorium, Luxaroo and Nanashi!)
- Replaced Tricky's song with the correct one. (Thanks, Salbug!)
- Fixed claim of Time Ripper being stunnable. (Thanks, KayLeaf!)
- Fixed claim of Joy being partially stunnable. (Thanks, rain!)
- Updated hambuger's description. (Thanks, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Added Duke in the list of stuff that Arbiter can spawn. (Thanks, Quaza!)
- Added missing Sabotage song as well replaced one dead link. (Thanks again, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Additional round takeover added. (Thanks, SporiumCorium!)
- Updated supporter page. (Thank you so much for helping me survive!)
20th October 2024 - Catching up the backlog a bit
- Updated index entries for Fishbowl, Schoolhouse and Pizzeria. (Thanks, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Fixed Red Fanatic being a puppygirl. (Thanks, Stormimi!)
- Added math involving Toren's Shadow's anger.
- Added additional info regarding Toren's Shadow's enrage. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Various death tip additions. (Thanks, ZoruBlitzfire, Luxaroo, Evifire and Nick04X!)
- Added minor detail about Spamton. (Thanks, ZoruBlitzfire!)
- Fixed claim that Terror of Nowhere was unstunnable. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Fixed claim that Herobrine was unstunnable. (Thanks, Xenko!)
- Fixed a weird typo in Arrival's page. (Thanks, Clumzy!)
- Updated Pandora's eph reward. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Fixed a typo as well as fixed stun state in Signus' page. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Replaced mention of Bloodbath with Punished in Those Olden Days' page. (Thanks, YoBro!)
- Fixed Malicious Twins having incorrect icon. (Thanks, Ivylistar!)
- Fixed Bloodstained Charm button expanding as well as fixing the incorrect color.
- Fixed a single character breaking JavaScript in achievements page. (Thanks, Nick04X!)
- Fixed various new items still having spoilered unlock requirements.
- Fixed It Grows Within achievement having wrong tip. (Thanks, Ivylistar!)
- Fixed The Observation having questionable credits in the index entry. (Thanks, Stormimi!)
- Fixed sentence being cut off in Gran Faust's page. (Thanks, rain!)
- Added Glaggle King as another source for bleed status. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Added few round takeovers.
- Fixed typo for Selfless Prize achievement. (Thanks, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Fixed Shadow Freddy having incorrect credits. (Thanks, Jayson!)
- Fixed Rapid Snarbolax missing in the variant index despite page existing. (Thanks Quaza!)
- Moved 10 Hours to Bloodbath track list from Midnight. (Thanks, Pisces!)
- Fixed typos in From The Ashes achievement. (Thanks, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Removed mention of terror nights from Luxury Coil's page. (Thanks, rain!)
- Added TBH San's index entry. (Thanks, Pisces!)
11th October 2024 - Spoiler times are over
- Terror & location index unspoilered.
- Mysterious question marks in some items removed.
- Achievements revealed.
8th October 2024 - Last set of hotfixes for a moment
- Fixed the infamous phrase "TBH Spy functions almost exactly the same as TBH Spy". (Thanks, Nanashi!)
- Fixed brainfart in Memoria's page. (Thanks again, Nanashi!)
- Fixed status effects page having wrong title. (Thanks, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Fixed SPOILER having Sanic's death tips. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Added an additional death tip. (Thanks, Evifire!)
- Added missing song for Dog Mimic - if someone finds link however, let me know. (Thanks Luxaroo!)
- Added specific timing info for SPOILER and SPOILER. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Corrected the claim that Big Bird was still unstunnable - it is now stunnable. (Thanks sheepie & moyee!)
- Fixed Solstice having outdated index; particularly missing the sync item. (Thanks, Lucky the Wolf!)
- Fixed another crazy typo. (Thanks, SD2C Akapera!)
- Removed mention of SPOILER not spawning in Bloodbaths or Midnights. (Thanks, luvkiana!)
- Supporter (Patreon) page updated. Thank you for your support!
7th October 2024 - Another set of hotfixes
- Added more death tips. (Thanks, Evifire & Zoru)
- Fixed a typo. Amazing.
- Added additional information about SPOILER (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Added additional information about SPOILER (Thanks, SD2C Akapera!)
- Fixed SPOILER to Hell having incorrect music. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Removed terror night reference in round types page. (Thanks, Zanerator!)
- Removed a paragraph from SPOILER index. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Fixed rest of the entries having outdated indexes. (Thanks again, Luxaroo!)
- Removed outdated midnight page from the directory.
- Fixed one of the easter egg terror pages having wrong title. (Thanks, HarmonicaLadDave!)
- Added a new item, Memoria.
6th October 2024 - So much stuff to do...
- Added correct Emerald Coil's updated velocity value. (Thanks, YoBro!)
- Added various death tips. (Thanks Luxaroo, sprinkspronk, Evifire, TreesAreDangerous & Solaris)
- Fixed missing round takeover information. (Thanks, Stormimi!)
- Fixed SPOILER and SPOILER having incorrect descriptions. (All following are Luxaroo's discoveries)
- Fixed various typos.
- Fixed multiple pages that had outdated indexes from older development builds (there are still few).
- Fixed subtext being cut off in GAME section.
- Added few more sources of status effects.
- Added small detail about SPOILER.
- Fixed various broken song links in the round types page.
5th October 2024 - Oh no, the suffering continues
- Replaced one placeholder banner with a new banner, drawn by blacksheepiess!
- Added several death tips of new terrors. (Thanks everyone on the thread for... dying!!)
- Fixed SPOILER having wrong value on the page. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Fixed and replaced 49 more cases of ´ with '. (Font issue, been getting rid of these for months)
- Tiny bit of cleanup.
- Updated SPOILER picture and credits. (Thanks, Tran Fox!)
4th October 2024 - Oh wait, didn't I push the big update on 4th?!
- Fixed Taser incorrectly saying Taser can be obtained with 700 Eph. (Thanks, Ivylistar!)
- Removed secret tester page due to a rotten apple.
- Fixed entries in the variants page only partially clickable. (Thanks Pokéduel!)
- Fixed The Batter showing old and now broken design. (Thanks Ivylistar!)
- Removed the mention about terror nights. (Thanks again, Ivylistar!)
- Fixed Cartoon Cat page incorrectly claiming it being unstunnable. (Thanks, Luxaroo!)
- Fixed mentions of "Joyful Update" when it should be "Joyous Update". (Thanks again, Luxaroo!)
3rd October 2024 - THE BIG UPDATE
- MAJOR TERROR PAGE REDESIGN!! (Thank you Sheepie for helping out with the banners, saved insane amount of time)
- Eph values updated. (Thank you Acoustic for your huge dedication to complete this frustrating task [even though they are out of date now AAAAAAAA])
- New locations added.
- Changed multiple location pictures due to overhauls.
- Modified Location Index to have two rows per page like it is in the in-game update.
- Added a page for different round types.
- Added a page for different round takeover.
- Added an interative page for different status effects.
- Added a page for Unbound, although the content is still hidden.
- Added a search bar in Terror Index.
- Changed few icon positions in Terror Index.
- New items added.
- Removed special items' icons from Item Index and placed links better.
- Changed and added several item pose pictures.
- Added more space to achievement page.
- Removed Patreon Wall page. (No proper way to update it without major pain).
- Replaced "you should not be here"-picture and also put it as locked Terror entry previews. (Thanks Sheepie for the art!)
- Updated the supporter page. (Thank you everyone in that page for supporting me during harsh times..!)
- Fixed four entries in midnight page not having their names in UPPERCASE.
- Added wife beater.
- Fixed Imposter having incorrect tips regarding audio cues. (Thanks, MyEggDaily!)
- Added extra info about Nosk's goop. (Thanks, OnNeutralGround!)
- Added Aku Ball theme. (Thanks, IBenny!)
- Fixed a gamebreaking typo in Demented Spongebob's page. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Added a mention about Withered Bonnies being capable to oneshot players if spawned by Arbiter. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Added info about Thalassophobia (Thanks Acoustic and WoodLogGaming!)
- Added Roblander's PayPal icon due to demand. (It was left out intentionally)
- Fixed weird comment in Dev Byte's page. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Added alternative death tip for TNTTM. (Thanks, kobama7shobean!)
- Added various timer related info. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Added extra info about Hell Bell. (Thanks, Shaderyn & Acoustic!)
- Fixed TBH Sans having incorrect song. (Thanks, Puck!)
- Added a new death tip on MR MEGA. (Thanks, Sprintervaulter_VR!)
- Fixed gamebreaking typos on Starved and Dev Bytes. (Thanks, Jayson!)
- Added a subtle string about Hell Bell's confusion. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Fixed incorrect song title on Lifebringer's page. (Thanks, Puck!)
- Added the missing "the" in Snarbolax's death tip. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Added the song that plays when entering Robland. (Thanks, Pisces!)
- Added various damage/heal info. (Thanks, Pisces!)
- Added CSS to make icons in Terror Index look crispy. (Thanks, based Firefox user Ivylistar!)
- Added a new death tip for Hush. (Thanks, Pisces!)
- Fixed a typo in S&D's page. (Thanks, Solaris!)
- Added extra info about Medkit. (Thanks, Nick04X!)
- Replaced song URL for Dev Maulers. (Thanks, Pisces!)
- Added extra info about DA/GF. (Thanks, Sprintervaulter_VR!)
- Updated item descriptions to match new ones Beyond made.
- 543094923423 other changes that were made during this update because it's been MONTHS GOD HELP ME AAAAAAAAAAA
- Replaced HOME with GAME in the navigation bar.
- You can now go home by clicking the banner.
- Bekka.
- Archived the guestbook due to closure of the service.
- Removed all tierlists till someone makes updated ones.
- Readded "Lovers of Nowhere" as an easter egg.
- Redesigned Bonus page. (finally....)
- Added a link to ToN JP Fan Wiki. (pretty sure I already added it but guess not)
- Edited the home page a little bit.
- Added Blue Haket.
- Added few extra spots for Midnight page for later use.
- Made the button to access Midnight page tiny bit more visible. (Can't miss it anymore)
- ^ Actually fuck that note from months ago, I made it VERY VISIBLE now.
- Removed transparency from lain's button in Terror Index.
- Added two extra buttons in Terror Index.
- Added DEX build death message for Purple Guy. (Not sure how it hasn't been reported before but thanks Sprintervaulter_VR!)
- Added alternative death tip for Sanic. (Thanks, Pisces!)
- Added secret tester page.
- Optimized achievement images from 90mb to about 2mb.
- Redesigned the midnight page by simplifying it. It's called variants now.
- Midnight variants, 8pages variants and so on have their own design too now.
- SEO improvements.
- Added a crazy amount of new death tips found the community. You folks are nuts with these finds!
- News post page updated.
- Supporter page added.
- Small home page change.
- Changed Kimera's icon.
- Added Freezer.
2nd April 2024 - NO LOVERS IN NOWHERE
- Bitches ran away. (April Fools is over)
1st April 2024 - LOVERS OF NOWHERE
- Added ability to get some bitches.
12th March 2024 - MONTHLY UPDATE, PART 1
- Replaced the song for Red Bus.
- Replaced pictures for Red Bus. (Thanks shadryn for one of them!)
- Replaced Red Bus' preview pic. (Thanks, Tran Fox!)
- Fixed some info on Red Bus.
- Various small info added for various terrors. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Fixed funny LONDON in Silver Coil page. (Thanks, Wood Log Gaming!)
- Fixed Mindless Machine achievement having wrong color. (Thanks, kakeru!)
- Fixed a typo in Solstice page. (Thanks, Pisces!)
- Replaced Arkus' preview pic. (Thanks, gflash2013!)
- Added two new death tips. (Thanks, Nick04X!)
- Fixed a typo in Perfection achievement tip. (Thanks, Soluna!)
- Fixed incorrect info about S.T.G.M's missiles. (Thanks, Soluna!)
- Fixed a typo in Mona&Mountain page as well as in Fusion Pilot page. (Thanks again, Soluna!)
- Fixed a typo in Crimboong page. (Thanks, -Zero-!)
- Added a better tip on INTERLOPE achievement.
- Changed info about escape method from Roblander's grab. (Thanks, tikkaslade!)
- Fixed Imposter having incorrect song AGAIN AAAAAAAA (Thanks, MyEggDaily!)
- Fixed a typo in LifeBringer page. (Thanks, Puck!)
12th February 2024 - UH.. PYON?
- Updated the Patreon wall. (Sidenote: Thanks Cinossu for some technical help, even if we didn't quite get what we wanted..!)
- Fixed Imposter's song somehow being changed back to the old one. (Thanks, OnNeutralGround!)
- Fixed Judas' song somehow being changed back to the old one. (Thanks, Nicomal!)
- Various Terror related fact and grammar fixing large enough for me not to have enough energy to mention every single change. (Thanks, Pierce!!)
- Changed the color of "Be Nice" achievement. (Thanks, PiscesX!)
- Added small little detail about Paradise Bird. (Thanks, Acoustic!)
- Added 3 new bunnies.
- Added a new picture for Alternates. (Thanks, kakeru!)
- Added Glaggle Gang information. (Thanks, Beyond! Not sure why I didn't add this earlier...)
11th February 2024 - EPH REWARDS LET'S FRICKIN GO
- Added Enkephalin rewards again! (Big thanks to the research team [will be added on credits page later on], especially Welcius. Big thanks to Acoustic for their own research and combining findings of two spreadsheets together!)
- Added Judia.
- Fixed Kimera going bah and not buh in the description. What a blunder! (Thanks, Tombo!)
- Fixed The World and Deleted achievements having swapped colors. (Mara, you idiot!!)
- Added a new picture for Alternate. (Thanks, T ravis!)
- Added Overseer Plush.
- Special items now have funny emoji instead of random 4 letter word.
- Added a tip regarding iframe abuse against Lord´s Signal. (Thanks, MyEggDaily!)
- Fixed several achievements having wrong color palettes. (Thanks, kakeru!)
- Fixed a typo in "Darkest Day" achievement. (Thanks, TreesAreDangerous!)
- Replaced funny phrase in Try Not To Touch Me´s page. (Thanks tikkaslade for pointing it out and Koishi for the rewrite!)
- Fixed a typo in Robland´s page. (Thanks, PiscesX!)
- Added various new death tips. (Thanks, Nick!)
- Added song source for Darkgrey Plush. (Thanks, Nick!)
- Replaced the song source with a new one for Garten Goers. (Thanks, Neo!)
- Replaced Eyes´ picture. (Thanks, Beyond!)
- Replaced Ambush´s main and preview pictures.
- Temporarily removed 4 bunnies. If you were removed, please DM me for a retake!
- Replaced Crimboong´s icon to more recent one that Cinossu made.
- Fixed bad London. (Thanks, Tombo!)
- Changed Winter Event -> Winterfest.
- Replaced Lord´s Signal´s preview picture. (Thanks Nick for report)
- Removed GOD form from Psychosis page and replaced it with Hell Bell. (Thanks, Tran Fox!)
- Fixed a typo in Dev Byte´s page. (Thanks, Stormimi!)
- Added Crimboong, Epic Bonnie and Kimera. (Thanks Hazel and Ruins O´ Gems for pictures!)
- Added a new death tip on S&D. (Thanks, Nick!)
- Added a new picture of S&D.
- Fixed a typo in Teuthida´s page. (Thanks, PiscesX!)
- Added Thorn Hacker. (Thanks Tran Fox for posing the item!)
- Added new deathtips. (Thanks Nick, Tran Fox, Sneak, Nori, tikkaslade, PiscesX and *Snowy*!)
- Added a picture of new Lords Signal. (Thanks, Koishi!)
- Added a picture of Vana, Arbiter's summon.
- Added a lot of picture of various Psychosis forms. (Thanks a lot, Neo!)
- Added new pictures of Paradise Bird and its lil minions. (Thanks again, Neo!)
- Fixed the funny typo in Arrival's page. (Thanks MyEggDaily!)
- Fixed Astrum Aureus being misspelled, including URL. (Thanks, Nori!)
- Added a correct explanation on how to unlock Seeing Double. (Thanks, Beyond!)
- Replaced the crappy info of Garten Goers and replaced it with based info. (Thanks, Beyond!)
- Added item pages for Snowy Speed Coil and Carrot.
- Added multiple new achievements from various of patches that Beyond has been pushing. (INCLUDING WINTER EVENT ACHIEVEMENTS WHICH I CLAIMED TO HAVE ADDED LAST PATCH BUT APPARENTLY I DIDN´T AAAAAA)
22nd January 2024 - WHAT, 2024?!
- Added Cold Night (and stuff provided by Nori, Tombo and Tran Fox).
- Added Torch of Obsession.
- Added Winter Event achievements
- Edited home page a tiny bit.
- Edited news page.
22nd December 2023 - MERRY XMAS
- Added effect sources you can get for Ph.D achievement.
- Added a picture for TBH Sans. (Thanks, Muse!)
- Added an insane amount of new death tips. (Thanks Nick, ZombieChief, Tran Fox, Neo, T ravis and Nori!)
- Added new pictures of Psychosis (Thanks, Not Ocean and Neo!)
- Added a new "easter egg". Not really.
- Misc info update on Terrors.
- Added a new picture of Solstice Moon (Thanks, Tran Fox!)
- Fixed Solstice´s page missing a picture. (Thanks, Tombo!)
- Fixed Hush´s page recommending Delicate Coil. (Thanks, Nori!)
- Updated Glow Coil page just a tiny bit.
- A lot of trivia added. (Thanks, Beyond!)
- Added Cinossu´s ToN Tracker to bonus content.
30th November 2023 - THIS TOOK TOO LONG
- Achievements page LIVE. Huge majority of tips provided by Koishi!
- Added rest of the midnight/secret terrors (besides the new epic one).
- Updated several Terror pages with... a lot of... information... (Oh god Beyond why are you doing this to me)
- Various death tip additions and changes. (Thanks, MyEggDaily, Tran Fox, Nick, RaythalosM and Neo!)
- Fixed Bliss, Judas and The Swarm having outdated credits. (Thanks, Tran Fox!)
- Fixed a missing wrong in Hell Bell's page. (Thanks, Nick!)
- Added another picture of the hungi boi. (Thanks, Muse!)
- Fixed Mystic Moon's index missing a word. (Thanks, Tombo!)
- Replaced Rush's picture both in preview and on page. (Thanks, BombardToo!)
- Changed two of the tierlist links that are now more up to date and added a link to popularity one as well.
- Added pictures of the new Glow Coil. (with カリンSocks posing)
- Added another death tip when killed by The LifeBringer (Thanks, MyEggDaily!)
- Fixed Harvest's song link not closed. (Thanks, THEDAO77!)
- Replaced the incorrect song from Withered Bonnie's page. (Thanks again, THEDAO77!)
- Changed description of Bloody Coil.
18th November 2023 - CATCHING UP
- Added a new death tip when dying to String Stalker. (Thanks, Tran Fox!)
- Added a new death tip when dying to MR MEGA's Megium Crush. (Thanks, SD2C!)
- Fixed a typo in Overseer's page. (Thanks, Sneak!)
- Added a song link in Harvest's page. (Thanks, Beyond!)
- Added more bunnies.
- Added a new death tip to The Painter's page. (Thanks, MyEggDaily!)
- Added a new death tip to Hell Bell's page. (Thanks, Zoru!)
- Added a new picture of the new abomination that The Lifebringer... brings to life. (Thanks, Koishi!)
- Replaced WhiteNight's picture with a better one. (Thanks again, Koishi!)
- Replaced Arkus' song link and name. (Tack, Nick04X & MyEggDaily!)
- Replaced The Swarm's song entirely. (Kiitos, MyEggDaily & Beyond!)
- Added one new picture for one of the Midnight variants. (Gracias, Beyond!)
- Fixed a small typo in DTM's page. (Thanks, BombardToo!)
- Added the thing when Kittenji was a little bit bored. (You may need 30 lives for this one.)
- Replaced Black Sun's song. (Thanks, MyEggDaily!)
- Replaced Gran Faust's pose picture. (Thanks, The Dapper Saint!)
- Replaced Comedy's song link as old one got taken down. (Thanks, Kittenji!)
- Fixed Paradise Bird not having a proper link to a song. (Thanks again!)
- Fixed Punishing Bird having incorrect death tip when countering. (Thanks, 2D2C!)
7th November 2023 - MYFIXDAILY (THANKS)
- Fixed Delicate Coil being recommended against Apathy.
- Fixed Wisp X written as Wispy X.
- Added Roblander's second phase music. Additionally fixed first phase's song name.
- Fixed Hell Bell's page linking to old song and replaced with the new one.
- Fixed me spreading misinformation on Internet.
- Added yet another song source to Have's page.
- Removed song link from Angry Munci's page as the video got deleted.
- Added proper song credits in Sakuya The Ripper's page. (Thanks, RaythalosM!)
- Added another song source in Glaggle Gang's page.
- Added mention of Sakuya The Ripper being stunnable. (Thanks, thebadger1002!)
- Added mention of Pandora being stunnable. (Thanks, Sneak!)
- Fixed various grammar mistakes. (Thanks, Tombo!)
6th November 2023 - BETTER INFO
- Replaced (and updated) some tips with the ones provided by Koishi.
- Added trivia in Tails Doll page.
- Added new death tips for WhiteNight, Something, Glaggle Gang and Roblander.
- Added all new alt terrors and placed them in Index.
- Renamed Starved Squidward to Teuthida.
- Added some colors to Convict Squad.
4th November 2023 - YAY NON-ALTS
- New non-alt Terrors & Pandora have been added to the Terror index.
- Replaced the pose picture for Rock. (Thank you, Kittenji!)
3rd November 2023 - IT'S 4AM, WHAT AM I DOING
- Added a pose picture for Paradise Lost. (Thank you, Yolky!)
- Edited Terror's index notification a bit as I've been a bit slow.
- Fixed Angry Munci's music source not linking anywhere. (Thanks, SuperS0ul!)
- Fixed Drift King having a typo. (Thanks, Tombo!)
- Added rest of the new non-alt terrors, just need to add them to index now.
2nd November 2023 - I RAN OUT OF TITLES
- Added an extra note about Eggman's Announcement.
- Added a source to the song that plays at the start of Have.
- Added a death tip for Rush when dying inside Closet. (Thanks, Milky!)
- Added a tip regarding Apocrean Harvester's tentacles.
- Added another new non-alt terror, missing two more. Filling some of the info is pretty tricky.
- Added few new non-alternate terrors waiting. You can find them if you know their names.
- Added exact numbers of hits required to get Paradise Lost.
31st October 2023 - AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- Fixed Furnace having outdated nav.
- Fixed Inner Towers giving 404 when clicked from index.
- Made a new page that shows how to save and load the game.
30th October 2023 - SMALL STUFF
NOTE: Still working on terror pages, but they are coming a bit slower than planned. Sorry, they'll be here soon!
- Replaced Red Medkit's pose picture. (Thanks, Chevelle!)
- Another bunny added! I love bunnies!
- Added a link to Kittenji's Save Manager to bonus section.
27th October 2023 - INSERT COOL TITLE HERE
- Removed Midnight variant that was in wrong place. (Thanks, SuperS0ul!)
- Fixed Arbiter's page recommending "Regen Coil Coil". (Thanks, SD2C Akapera!)
- Added two hidden pages related to a contributor item that this web dev is carrying, one in English and another in Japanese.
- Added yet another fake bunny.
- Made some easter eggs easier to find by changing the opacity.
26th October 2023 - SOME FIXES
- Fixed Throne's page having outdated nav. (Thanks, nick04x!)
- Fixed a typo in Engine's page. (Thanks, Egg!)
- Added Colorable Bat now that people have found.
- Added a page for Silver Coil, pics of it and placed it to Items Index.
- Replaced Lifebringer's main picture and added Egg's screenshot of Stringmen.
- Fixed Moon pages not working at all. (Thanks, OnNeutralGround!)
- Added new locations to the site.
- Temporarily removed a funni thing in Have's page till I figure out how to fix it.
- Added link to Patreon Wall in bonus page.
24th October 2023 - LOCATION REVEAL TODAY
- Added a new bunny.
23rd October 2023 - MORE BNNYU
- Added two new fake bunnies. I'm starting to regret this.
- Added a new page that mimics the patreon wall for easier name finding.
22nd October 2023 - BNNYU
- Added a new fake bunny.
- Made one of the easter eggs easier to find by making it more visible.
21st October 2023 - MASSIVE UPDATE HOLY MOLY
- Complete rework on terror, item and location listings. (Including WispySpectre's art!)
- Some basic JavaScript implementation (hovering stuff) that I barely got to work somehow.
- Updated some of the terror icons and made some of them animate like they do in-game.
- Added a warning about some of the current terror pages being out of date.
- Removed outdated Enkephalin reward values to avoid major confusion.
- Added a brand new page for achievements and added it to navbar.
- Updated navbar. (Flexin' instead of margin')
- Removed all the midnight variants... unless?
- Replaced Maxwell's pose picture. (Thanks, Miiburr!)
- Replaced Teleporter's pose picture. (Thanks, Kannoli!)
- Replaced Emerald Coil's pose picture. (Thanks, DSMT!)
- Replaced RedBull's pose picture. (Thanks, MyEggDaily!)
- Replaced Magic Conch's pose picture. (Thanks, Kiojin!)
- Replaced Blue Medkit's pose picture. (Thanks, SocramBean!)
- Replaced Have's Brew's pose picture. (Thanks, Miroxyde!)
- Replaced Twilight Coil's pose picture. (Thanks, DiabloSAVG!)
- Replaced Pale Suitcase's pose picture. (Thanks, BombardToo!)
- Replaced TBH's pose picture. (Thanks, Turretoforth!)
- Replaced Darkgrey Plush's pose picture. (Thanks, Rathain Kuromaru!)
- Replaced Rubber Mallet's pose picture. (Thanks, zombiechief!)
- Replaced Brick's pose picture. (Thanks, uh, me, I guess...)
- Replaced Rubber Mallet's primary picture.
- Replaced both Medkit's primary pictures.
- Photoshopped Medkit's pose picture for now. :^)
- Added Bloody Teleporter with pictures of it. (Thanks, Drummerboy120!)
- Updated all item pages with up-to-date information.
- Added a new page for Paradise Lost and slapped a picture of it. (Thanks, Koishi!).
- Replaced both pictures of the Radar due to modifications it got in-game.
- Fixed the mention of Navigator being stunnable when it isn't. (Thanks, Apocrisiarius99!)
- Finally fixed the correct amount of stuns needed to get Divine Avenger.
- Fixed Don't Touch Me's page having outdated navbar. (Thanks, Sasha Mason!).
- Fixed Don't Touch Me's page as well as this, credits and alpha build pages not having the favicon.
- Added extra trivia for SM64.Z64 and Tragedy. (Thanks, Nami!).
- Fixed Justitia being called "Midnight Sword".
- Added an extra note on The Swarm's music track.
- Renamed Lisa's page filename from blank.html to lisa.html.
- Changed the link (when clicking NO in index warning page) to "30 minutes of Finnish doomer music".
- Made 404 picture (if missing a terror picture and so on) a bit smaller in filesize. (Saving space, woo!)
- Updated 404 page.
- Added two other ToN related groups and Wispy's location tiermaker in bonus page.
- Made some changes to the credits page, biggest change being the addition of Beyond's minions.
- Made the text size on this page a lot smaller because a lot of changeloggin'.
- Updated few terrors' behaviour info. (Thanks, Koishi!)
- Removed an easter egg and replaced it with a better one.
- Made one of the existing easter eggs easier to find.
- Deleted a lot of unused content from folders.
- Added the missing secret alt text for Fusion Pilot.
- Fixed Feddy's credits being... just the template. How the hell did nobody notice?
- Added a cache busting method for pages that have already been in live version quite some time..
- Updated Mystic Moon's index entry.
- Gave Astral some cute coloring similar how it looks in-game. Might color the rest later in location page rework.
- Updated Backrooms' pictures.
- Added a little message as news.html and put a link to it in home.
- Removed a paragraph in the home page that was completely outdated.
- Added two new bunnies from Japan.
- 🥕
26th September 2023 - SMALL UPDATE WOO
- Updated home page, highlighting Beyond's Patreon more and giving a small update on my own progress.
- Updated index page. (warning about July's directory overhaul is now irrelevant)
- Fixed main content not having any space below in non-Firefox browsers. (Thanks, Allurein!)
1st August 2023 - I'M SORRY QP
- Fixed Arkus/Divine Avenger pages incorrectly claiming that one hit is enough to unlock Divine Avenger.
- Added two new pictures for one of the Midnight variants (Good catch, Sneak & Koishi!)
28th July 2023 - SMALL EDITS
- Added new names in credits page (the science team behind Terror speed investigation).
- Fixed 404 page not showing currently if getting it inside subfolders.
- Fixed Nami incorrectly referred as "Witch".
- Changed the directory overhaul explanation in 404 a bit (people attempted to go to X page for some reason).
24th July 2023 - IMAGINE WORKING
- Changed "Terror" in the site title to "Terrors".
- Changed "nightmares" to "terrors". If you get 404s, please clear your cache.
- Fixed The Navigator page claiming that mentioned Terror is unstunnable.
18th July 2023 - WEEKEND IS OVER
- Major directory overhaul! If you are getting 404s, please CTRL+F5!
- Added an easter egg for those that search too deep...
- Fixed Furnace missing completely.
- Added more information about Navigator's rampage behaviour.
- Fixed Sonic's Midnight variants not showing on the page.
- Fixed some pages incorrectly titled as "Index".
- Fixed Scrapyard missing a name for some reason.
14th July 2023 - INSERT TITLE HERE
- Added Wispy's terror tierlist maker in bonus page.
- Added location pages!!!
- Added Midnight variant of Sonic and pictures of them (thanks Koishi for the rare catch!)
- Replaced a picture of Seek.
- Added a new name in credits.
- Added a new bonus page that contains some picture of the very early version of ToN.
12th July 2023 - I AM COOKING...
- Added a new picture of Tragedy.
- Updated enkephalin rewards of various nightmares.
10th July 2023 - GOOD MORNING
- Added two names in the credits page.
- Added a mention about SKC not working against Meatball Man.
- Fixed Arbiter having incorrect styling.
9th July 2023 - WOAH, I SLEPT?!
- Fixed a grammar error in Have's Mysterious Brew page.
- Added additional trivia to Rock, Burger, Gran Faust, Haket, Lifebringer, Speed & Regen Coils, Teleporter and Slender.
- Replaced Illumina's close up picture and Red Medkit's pose picture.
- Temporarily removed a page from site (will be merged with another page in near future).
- Added Salbug's VRChat group in bonus content.
- Fixed and removed the mysterious background from styling.
7th July 2023 - COOLER INDEX
- Replaced pictures for both pose Maxwell and Glow Coil.
- Made index page more centered, added some animation to [WARNING] and added a warning to new players that wish to play the world blind.
- Fixed index YES/NO-buttons being blue when not interacted before.
- Added Shikikan's tiermaker to bonus content (might add Pokkyz' version too once I figure out some styling issue fixes)
- Moved changelog as a seperate page and can be found in bonus content.
- Fixed nightmare page links being blue.
- Changed wording in Purple Guy's page from "counterattack" to "parry".
- Added a name that was missing in Credits page for some reason.
- Fixed a capitalization in one of the names in Credits page.
- Fixed some major tags missing like a true -100IQ website developer.
- Fixed changelog and bonus pages having wrong title.
6th July 2023 - HOTFIXES!!
- Fixed Emerald Coil's speed being incorrectly 4 instead of 6.
- Fixed Regen Coil's little capital oopsie on its page.
- Fixed Regen Coil's thumbnail incorrectly saying "Speed Coil".
- Added several new speed requirement/stun info thanks to Ikrium!
- Fixed several missing HTML tags, despite them not being noticeable at all to your average site reader.
- Page about Bliss no longer recommends Glass/Delicate coils, which is actually a death sentence against Bliss.
- Virus' and SM64's speed requirements have been changed to "can't outrun".
- Something Wicked's stun status changed to "Yes (teleports instantly)".
- Roblander's stun status changed as you can apparently stun second phase as well.
- Fixed Omori Plush's tip and unlock requirements being mixed up.
- Added a new picture in Something's page, provided by Wispy.
6th July 2023 Night - The public release after weeks of suffering, woo!!