What is your favorite item in ToN?
Regen CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
TBHWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Colorful BatWhat is your favorite Terror?
ShiteyanyoWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
RoblanderWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
metal pipeWhat is your favorite Terror?
Toren's shadowWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Antique RevolverWhat is your favorite Terror?
The GuidanceWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
briefcaseWhat is your favorite Terror?
the lifebringerWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Divine AvengerWhat is your favorite Terror?
ShiteyanyoWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew cause you can drill ;3What is your favorite Terror?
Don't Touch MeWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Pale PistolWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Red Mist (Alternate, not Squidward)What is your favorite item in ToN?
BurgerWhat is your favorite Terror?
BlissWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
MopeMopeWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Karol CorpseWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal BatWhat is your favorite Terror?
SomethingWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Delicate CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
RoblanderWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
JustitiaWhat is your favorite Terror?
Punishing BirdWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Emerald Coil & Divine AvengerWhat is your favorite Terror?
dev bytes' convict squad & blissWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Radar CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Aku BallWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Regen CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
RoblanderWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Teleporter (it sucks)What is your favorite Terror?
The BoysWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Radar CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Judgement birdWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
stun items in generalWhat is your favorite Terror?
meatball manWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Funny mallet go bonkWhat is your favorite Terror?
PandoraWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
judgment birdWhat is your favorite Terror?
Mystic MoonWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Radar CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
ApathyWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Chaos/Twilight CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Mope MopeWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Torch of ObsessionWhat is your favorite Terror?
Eggman´s AnnouncementWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
TBHWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
IlluminaWhat is your favorite Terror?
The NavigatorWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
RockWhat is your favorite Terror?
Fusion PilotWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
Apocalypse BirdWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Paradise LostWhat is your favorite Terror?
BlissWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
chaos coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
guidanceWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran FaustWhat is your favorite Terror?
SomethingWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
SanicWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Rubber Mallet, because funny and free metal batWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Guidance🚥🐈⬛🍔What is your favorite item in ToN?
Paradise Lost I FINALLY GOT IT OMGWhat is your favorite Terror?
The PainterWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
Bad BatterWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Astrum AureusWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran FaustWhat is your favorite Terror?
THE BOYSWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Don't Touch Me!What is your favorite item in ToN?
hamorWhat is your favorite Terror?
The boys or lifebringer:>What is your favorite item in ToN?
SealedSwordWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Boys >:3What is your favorite item in ToN?
Torn between Maxwell and Corkscrew coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
MirrorOh god
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
V2What is your favorite item in ToN?
Delicate CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Hungry Home InvaderWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran FaustWhat is your favorite Terror?
SomethingWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Chaos CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
PandoraIt teleports the player to thorn instead of random location. I will add this item on site very soon.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Torch of ObsessionWhat is your favorite Terror?
Search and DestroyI appreciate your support! I've slowly started to get back to work now. <3
What is your favorite item in ToN?
TeleporterWhat is your favorite Terror?
RoblanderYou need to survive Cold Night.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Paradise LostWhat is your favorite Terror?
MONARCHWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Silver Kat CharmWhat is your favorite Terror?
V2What is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran FaustWhat is your favorite Terror?
SomethingWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Rubber MalletWhat is your favorite Terror?
Mario has Logged InWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal pipeWhat is your favorite Terror?
Knight of TorenWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
TBHWhat is your favorite Terror?
Eggman's AnnouncementWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
Don't touch meWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
TBHWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Torch of ObsessionWhat is your favorite Terror?
Search(1) and Destroy(2)What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Purple GuyWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Speed coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
V2What is your favorite item in ToN?
Omori PlushWhat is your favorite Terror?
TBHWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Twilight coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
All around helpersWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran FaustWhat is your favorite Terror?
ArkusWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
lᴉoƆ pǝǝdSWhat is your favorite Terror?
ƃuɐפ ǝlƃƃɐlפWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Speed CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Eggman's AnnouncementLook at the Terrors Index closer! O_O
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal PipeWhat is your favorite Terror?
The PainterWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass coil, and Sealed SwordWhat is your favorite Terror?
Dev BytesFake news.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran FaustWhat is your favorite Terror?
Mystic MoonWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Omori Plush :3What is your favorite Terror?
SOMETHINGWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Radar CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Cracked SnarbolaxWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
HERWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
0_PSYCHOSIS_0What is your favorite item in ToN?
Beyond PlushieWhat is your favorite Terror?
Christian Brutal SniperWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Maxwell - Music catWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Boys - PumpkinWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Psycho CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Search(1) and Destroy(2)What is your favorite item in ToN?
I play without items :3What is your favorite Terror?
Aku BallWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Aku BallWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
TwilightWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Speed CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Eggman's AnnouncementIf you refer to the round type, they're one type of special round that has a chance to pop out every 3rd round (every other round on weekends). Not really else to spawning it, gotta pray for Overseer.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Justicia Or Pale CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Convict SquadWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Sealed SwordWhat is your favorite Terror?
ArkusWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
The Sealed SwordWhat is your favorite Terror?
ArkusWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Speed or Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Wheelchair manWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
RadarWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Guidance, of courseWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
TBHWhat is your favorite Terror?
Astrum AureusWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Delicate CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
SONICI am not a developer - however this is what Beyond has said in their FAQ;
"Adding localization was hard enough just for one language (Terrors was not built for it and my implementation of it isn't the best); so it's unlikely that other languages apart from EN/JP will ever be supported."
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Delicate CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
The BoysWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Speed CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
The NavigatorSolo is actually easier than full lobby. Fun fact.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Pale RevolverWhat is your favorite Terror?
Dev Bytes/The BoysWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
N/AWhat is your favorite Terror?
N/AWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Bloody TeleporterWhat is your favorite Terror?
Dev BytesI'm not a developer lol
I'm not a developer lol
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
PSYCHOSISWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite Terror?
S.T.G.M.What is your favorite item in ToN?
RevolverWhat is your favorite Terror?
Dev BytesWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Emerald Coil or Pale RevolverWhat is your favorite Terror?
Toren's Shadow, Haket, & The Guidance, ect.What is your favorite item in ToN?
Bloody CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
SONICWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Twilight Coil (Chaos coil sync'd with Twilight Moon) High risk High reward :3cWhat is your favorite Terror?
Maul-A-Child, the jokes everyone makes with that one are my main reason lmaoWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Colored Bat (But Justitia when I get it)What is your favorite Terror?
Punishing Bird, Favorite in Lobotomy Corp, favorite hereWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Pale GunWhat is your favorite Terror?
The BoysWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Bloody TeleporterWhat is your favorite Terror?
GuidanceWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Chaos CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Birds of the Black Forest, Apocalypse BirdWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Emerald CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
lainWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Pale PistolWhat is your favorite Terror?
3 Birds/Apocalypse BirdWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Beyond PlushWhat is your favorite Terror?
The BoysWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
TeleporterWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Boys (They're back)What is your favorite item in ToN?
Paradise LostWhat is your favorite Terror?
Any Pjmoon inspired terrors (3 birds, Whiteknight, etc)What is your favorite item in ToN?
Rubber MalletWhat is your favorite Terror?
All Around Helpers and Red Mist (NOT Squidward lmao)What is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal Pipe / Bloody Bat (Tied)What is your favorite Terror?
The Court Himself, Mirror, or LuigiWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Twilight CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
WalputgasnachtWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
[CENSORED]What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
WALPURGASNACHT! Dev Bytes are so cute!What is your favorite item in ToN?
Justitia (I don't have it but I want it so baaaaaaadWhat is your favorite Terror?
Haket, DoomBox, or Meatball ManWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
The MALLETWhat is your favorite Terror?
The Boys (They're Back In Town)What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
The ArbiterWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
radar coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
meatball manWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran FaustWhat is your favorite Terror?
HaketWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Delicate CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Red PassengersWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
delicate coil (MUST ACQUIRE 1000SP )What is your favorite Terror?
lifebringer's got a sick theme but the boys is a classicWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Speed CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Eggman’s AnnouncementUnused killers aren't entirely documented, but quickly from top of my head; you can find two pictures of removed Terrors in the alpha page. Additionally Bekka & Shadows of Yharnam (whos pages still exists on site) were removed.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Paradise LostWhat is your favorite Terror?
S.T.G.MWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Radar/speed coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
The boys something and Tiffany they spookyWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Gran Faust! Please no nerf!What is your favorite Terror?
Tiffany my beloved. Shout out Dev Bytes thoWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal bat/corkscrew coilWhat is your favorite Terror?
V2What is your favorite item in ToN?
Radar CoilWhat is your favorite Terror?
Lain/The Painter/Lunatic CultistWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal BatWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
JustitiaWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Chaos Coil, Twilight VariantWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Speed coil (classic always wins)What is your favorite item in ToN?
Radar Coil (I made it)What is your favorite item in ToN?
New TerrorI don't know, have you considered asking the person carrying a carrot in the instance that you are in right now?
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew/Chaos CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
JustitiaWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
BatWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
RockWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
RevolverWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Emerald CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
glass coilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
glass coilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Divine AvangerWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
The Metal BatWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
ROCKWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Justicia (Metal Bat)What is your favorite item in ToN?
TeleporterWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal BatWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Emerald Coil, enemies can't scare you if they can't catch you!What is your favorite item in ToN?
REDBULLREDBULLREDBULLREDBULLWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Love me some Bonking items!What is your favorite item in ToN?
Teleporter/Chaos CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Kat CharmWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
BrickWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
RevolverWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Chaos CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
It's not an item, but rather, one of the Terrors. The BoysWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Delicate CoilWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Sealed SwordWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
MaxwellWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal BatWhat is your favorite item in ToN?
RevolverCan't wait for the full release either! Beyond has been cooking a lot lately.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Regen CoilCan I have tummy rubs instead?
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Regen CoilRemoved or not, you're still the king!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Emerald CoilI love wasting money!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
BEYOND PLUSHFor the record, I am not Beyond. He wrote all nightmare indexes (with Koishi proofreading them).
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Silver Cat CharmQuite a list!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilBeyond makes good stuff! <3
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew CoilOh dear...
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Metal batWho doesn't?
What is your favorite item in ToN?
BrickBrick is king.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
What is your favorite item in ToN?
What is your favorite item in ToN?
YIPEECould be an interesting addition, awa!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
SPEEEEDFull release soon, hopefully!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Glass CoilToN is magical, isn't it? Spent 8 hours yesteryday! awawawawawa
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Maxwell!Not sure if Beyond is planning to add new items as ToN is getting ready for public release soon. Beyond is cooking some other changes though that I can't wait to try out.
First Patreon playtest became available in October.
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Chaos Coil all the wayI'm happy to read that younger(?) generation seems to enjoy looking at older looking sites. As mentioned in the front page, I've really gotten sick of modern, corporate styles and I wish to some extend we would go back a little bit.
If you want to look at more retro looking sites, I recommend browsing https://neocities.org/, where this site is also hosted. A lot of high quality stuff there!
And thank you!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
Corkscrew Coil (AKA The Butt plug!)I'm not adorable AAAAAAA
But thank youuu, remember to gib thanks to Koishi and Wispy too!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
the Regen coil, or the metal bat!Thank youuu!
What is your favorite item in ToN?
For a while it was the radar coil, but now it's the metal bat!Absolute gigachad for maining Radar Coil! Thank you very much! <3
Thank you! Shoutout to Koishi and Wispy for the information that are on the site!
Thank you!! Keep rockin'!
AWA! <3
Thank youuu! <3
And if you somehow manage to get Sealed Sword, Arkus is removed from the potential nightmares spawning!